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#1 2021-12-26 21:16:46


English thread

Let's chat in English, dear anonymous! You can write about everything here, regardless of your level.

Your English level is…

  1. A1(голосов 7 [3.7%])


  2. A2(голосов 10 [5.29%])


  3. B1(голосов 26 [13.76%])


  4. B2(голосов 56 [29.63%])


  5. C1(голосов 62 [32.8%])


  6. C2(голосов 28 [14.81%])


Всего голосов: 189

Гости не могут голосовать

#651 2022-02-04 20:27:28


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Maybe because it's not a forum.

You can call it whatever you want, but you discuss stuff there and it sounds like major pain in the ass to do so.

#652 2022-02-04 21:47:09


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:
Анон пишет:

Maybe because it's not a forum.

You can call it whatever you want, but you discuss stuff there and it sounds like major pain in the ass to do so.

Well, I don't remember someone trying to force you to use it. You are free not to, in fact. So I don't see why it matters.
One's comfort majorly depends on habit and I know people who think that classic forums are uncomfortable to use.

But, ofc, FFA is an anonimka located on a blog platform so they have to make the best out of features that were created for personal blogs. Many people considered using Pravdorub a major pain in the ass too. These are just different models - diary.ru are flat so you can't make different threads in one post there but dreamwidth's comments are like LiveJournal's. So Pravdorub had to make request posts and anons couldn't just create posts directly when they wanted, there was a limited amount of posts per week. FFA instead allows every anon to create threads freely but at the cost of re-creating them every few days. Whatever works.

#653 2022-02-05 03:01:00


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Well, I don't remember someone trying to force you to use it. You are free not to, in fact. So I don't see why it matters.
One's comfort majorly depends on habit and I know people who think that classic forums are uncomfortable to use.

I just went there, thought "wow, this is shit" and said it. One huge thread for everything, you have to use separate tool to find anything, slower topics have to reroll and break discussion because fast ones spammed right into post limit. It's like entire reddit in a single reddit post. Would be easier to migrate somewhere, than to dance around platform limitations, but habit is pretty strong, I guess?

Отредактировано (2022-02-05 03:01:20)

#654 2022-02-05 03:17:39


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Would be easier to migrate somewhere, than to dance around platform limitations, but habit is pretty strong, I guess?

Not only habit, there is no existing platform that would work better for their format. Where could they go? Tumblr? Twitter? Insta? Those are even less useable. Reddit has a pretty different audience so it's like to host Fandom Combat on Picaboo. They would have had to create their own site like holiwarka mods did, but it's not so easy and someone has to have the technical knowledge and resources and organize everything. And dreamwidth is safe in terms of anonymity and the audience since it's made by the same team as ao3. It's not ideal but it's working.

Отредактировано (2022-02-05 03:20:10)

#655 2022-02-05 03:30:24


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Where could they go?

They could create their own bulletin imageboard, it's not that hard. But then again, it's not a question of "we don't have anywhere else to go", more like "it's too much hassle to actually move, meh"

#656 2022-02-05 05:06:43


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Would be easier to migrate somewhere, than to dance around platform limitations, but habit is pretty strong, I guess?

They did migrate, though. To Dreamwidth from LJ. It's just that FFA as a community emerged on the foundation of a huge LJ wank, so people were already used to the styling of discussions used there.

Anyway, I don't see what's so horrible about it that the term 'retarded' should apply. Also, it's a very rude word, not quite in the n-word level, but from the same field. You should refrain from using it (unless being an incel from 4chan is your style, in which case  keep going).

#657 2022-02-05 06:43:27


Re: English thread

Do you take part in the Fandom Kombat?

#658 2022-02-05 11:39:46


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Do you take part in the Fandom Kombat?

I participated a couple of times but currently no. But I'm a crafter, not a writer or artist so not the usefullest person for FK. And I'm pretty slow and don't like deadlines, as I discovered. A couple of times is fine but doing it regularly is kinda draining.

#659 2022-04-09 06:42:33


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

:evil:  :old:

Are you trying to get into the Secret Chamber?

#660 2022-07-16 23:53:45


Re: English thread

Make this thread great again

#661 2022-07-17 00:05:35


Re: English thread

Well, propose a topic then. What would you like to chat about?

#662 2022-07-17 00:14:55


Re: English thread

Well.....it's harder than I thought lol
Wanna hear some good news! We all need it. What was the best thing happened today? (yesterday technically)

#663 2022-07-17 00:19:55


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

What was the best thing happened today?

Hmm... I got the document and can work officially now. It sounds a little strange maybe ^^"

#664 2022-07-17 00:24:50


Re: English thread

Do you all find it easier to talk about... well idk....really important or personal things when you speak English/any other foreign languages? Or it's just me..
If so, how do you think, why? Maybe it's a well-known phenomenon though and you know some articles about it? I'd like to read

I got the document and can work officially now.

Wow well done! Now you need to pay taxes, you are sooo adult  :sadcat:

Отредактировано (2022-07-17 00:27:34)

#665 2022-07-17 00:34:12


Re: English thread

Well, I'm a poor provider of good news these days. The first thing that came to my mind was something like "I'm not dead yet and nothing particularly bad happened to me today so does this count as good news", lmao. I made scrambled eggs but they were over-salted. I watched Katz's latest video and it made me angry. I have a fic to write but I'm uninspired. I want a death note. Desperately. I sprayed myself with a new perfume and it smells of tangerines rather realistically. That's nice, I guess.

#666 2022-07-17 00:45:15


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

"I'm not dead yet and nothing particularly bad happened to me today so does this count as good news"

Personally, I think these days this can be considered as a great luck, but maybe I'm too pessimistic.

Анон пишет:

I have a fic to write but I'm uninspired.

By the way, always wanted to ask someone who writes fics about the process. What do you do first? Write some notes about the plot? Do you have the full story in your mind when you start writing?
For me it seems so hard to not ruin the original characters' personalities but write my own story about them.

Скрытый текст

#667 2022-07-17 01:20:45


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:
Анон пишет:

"I'm not dead yet and nothing particularly bad happened to me today so does this count as good news"

Personally, I think these days this can be considered as a great luck, but maybe I'm too pessimistic.

I guess, yeah. Makes you think about how many things you take for granted until you lose them.

Анон пишет:
Анон пишет:

I have a fic to write but I'm uninspired.

By the way, always wanted to ask someone who writes fics about the process. What do you do first? Write some notes about the plot? Do you have the full story in your mind when you start writing?
For me it seems so hard to not ruin the original characters' personalities but write my own story about them.

Скрытый текст

Tbh, I'm a relatively new and inexperienced writer. So take my words with a grain of salt, I'm probably in for many discoveries yet. But what I do now is, yeah, notes. The first thing was I decided what I want to write about. The ship, AU or canon setting, plot twists and kinks I would like it to have. Like I'm on ao3 and choosing an ideal fic to read and it doesn't exist, but if it would, what would I want to see there? Yeah, that! Then I started to think about the story at large. Some rough carcass and structure at first, then more in detail. I wrote 100500 notes about particular scenes, analyzed a canon timeline and made an alternative one for my story (it's going to be a canon divergence, so it goes like in canon until some point and then some events change), brain stormed some plot twists. So now I know the whole plot, where it'll start, how it's going to develop, where it'll end, this character should develop from this state to that state in process etc. But it's still blotchy, some parts are pretty detailed and others are at "and then X goes to Y and does M", some others are shaky "I'll deal with it later". Some parts will probably change in a process of writing, because I'll invent better ones or because it'll be impossible to do what I planned first. And when I'm writing, I fill the empty spots. I tend to think about it as, you know, how artists make a rough sketch first with empty faces and then fill it with details step by step and then color it? Like this.

Not ruining personalities is the hardest part to me too, yes. But at the same time, it's so subjective and vague. Everyone pretty much creates their own reading of characters in their brain, so fics are subjective by default too. There is so much quarrel about IC and OOC in fandoms and the more you read them, the more you understand how different characters are for everyone. Don't sweat it. Make it fitting and appealing for yourself and that'll be enough. It's a hobby, after all. You're not Dostoyevsky. Someone will for sure think that you ruined everything and someone else will for sure like your vision, but in the end you're doing it to amuse and satisfy yourself. So go for it and do whatever. That's what I think.

Отредактировано (2022-07-17 01:29:27)

#668 2022-07-17 01:21:11


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

For me it seems so hard to not ruin the original characters' personalities

Some writers don't really care about that. Also different people have different views what's IC and OOC for characters.

#669 2022-07-17 01:27:21


Re: English thread

I'm currently writing a very depressing ending for an original of mine. And I hate it, 'cause it's making me sad and shit. :sadcat:

#670 2022-07-17 02:18:08


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Do you all find it easier to talk about... well idk....really important or personal things when you speak English/any other foreign languages? Or it's just me..
If so, how do you think, why? Maybe it's a well-known phenomenon though and you know some articles about it? I'd like to read

Yes, much easier.
And I'm sure I've read about it, so it's a known phenomenon, but I can't remember where was that article... Anyways, it got something to do with "bartender effect", talking about personal stuff in foreign language kinda puts it at arm's-length, makes it not-so-personal, if you get my meaning... The mind is busy processing all the foreign words, has less time to concentrate on feelings.
Something like that, iirc.

#671 2022-07-17 02:18:38


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

I'm currently writing a very depressing ending for an original of mine. And I hate it, 'cause it's making me sad and shit.


#672 2022-07-17 07:03:59


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

You're not Dostoyevsky.

Well I'd prefer not to read a fic about my fav characters written by Dostoevsky 

Анон пишет:

Like I'm on ao3 and choosing an ideal fic to read and it doesn't exist, but if it would, what would I want to see there?

I like the strategy
If you want to read a good  fic – write it by yourself lol.

I've just realised that reading fics in English can help me to improve my reading skills & learn some new vocab that is really used in modern speech. At least I hope it can work like that.... cause I just can't make myself reading books in English, I usually start to get mad in a few seconds if I don't understand smth

Отредактировано (2022-07-17 07:05:14)

#673 2022-07-17 08:54:45


Re: English thread

I read fics for to schlick

#674 2022-07-17 09:05:46


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

The mind is busy processing all the foreign words, has less time to concentrate on feelings.

Seems like it's that, thanks!
Also interesting what do bilingual people feel when they speak language they use less, does it feel the same or differently  :think:

#675 2022-07-17 10:55:35


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

it got something to do with "bartender effect", talking about personal stuff in foreign language kinda puts it at arm's-length, makes it not-so-personal

huh. i've honestly never thought about it from this pov, but it does make sense. not sure if that's really my case though.

another possible explanation here could be the link between language and the culturally accepted ways of expressing emotion. i find english to be more emotionally reserved in general, allowing one to express even deep and intense feelings in a comparatively calm and controlled manner without coming off as ingenuine or unnecessarily cold. in russian, on the other hand... something like that would just sound weird, wouldn't it? imo the way russians typically go about expressing emotion is very uh. emotional. i've even seen foreigners repeatedly describe russian people as "dramatic" or "theatrical". personally i feel like speaking in russian somewhat urges one to talk about feelings in a manner that comes off as letting go of control, as if you just can't hold back. i'm willing to accept that this is just my personal perception of it though. i haven't really had the chance to talk to other native russian speakers about it.

what do you guys think? would you say we're culturally more hot-headed when it comes to being emotional?

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